Fleet Manager Office | Fleet Manager Office -- for the Connected Job Site | Designed for use in construction or for landfills and mining, Carlson Fleet Manager Office from Carlson Positioning & Machine Control is newly updated. It's designed to handle the two-way communications, data transfer, and remote monitoring of machines on a connected job-site. Join Josh Weber of the Carlson Positioning & Machine Control division for this webinar as he gives a product overview of Carlson Fleet Manager Office.
Weber will go over many of the new, updated aspects of this user-friendly, easy-to-learn package including its ability to provide or do the following: Cut/Fill Color Map; Machine Real Time Position; Machine Real Time Cut/Fill; Machine Real Time Elevation; Operator Management; Activity Monitoring; Delay/Idle Time Monitoring; Reports by Activity; Idle time/Delay Analysis; Down Time Monitoring; Down Time Analysis; Create Grade Projects; Project Transfer; In-cab Monitoring; Management of Multiple Sites; Multiple Site Views; Output of updated existing surface; Landfill AUF Report (Simple density using volumes between 2 existing grids); GPS Status Monitoring; and GPS Status reporting.
That's certainly a lot to cover in an hour, but you have to see to believe all the ways that this program can help you monitor your project site and equipment, increasing both safety and time and money saved, while reducing energy use. | Size: 58,057,563 bytes | Date: Feb 24, 2011 | |