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Postby monksjm » Wed May 05, 2010 1:03 pm

Is anyone aware of support for Jpeg 2000 support. I have carlson civil 2k10 and map and cannot get it to transform.
Shaun Morrison
Civil Designer/Drafter
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Cumberland, Maine
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Postby emorse4487 » Mon May 10, 2010 4:00 pm

Did you happen to figure this out? I haven't had any luck with jpg2000 files; In the past I have had to use Photoshop to resave as .tiff images.
Eric J. Morse, P.E.
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Postby monksjm » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:50 pm

Lizard tech software makes a converter we use...but it blows up the file size, to triple sometimes 4X as large.
Shaun Morrison
Civil Designer/Drafter
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Cumberland, Maine
Posts: 111
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Location: Cumberland, Maine


Postby mpias » Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:57 pm

I have been using a converter called "IRFANVIEW". It's been around for at least 15 years and is still free and works great.

I use it to convert JP2000 files to JPG. By coincidence, does anyone suffer from image distortion, like scans from a large scanner? I don't know if their is any method or correct procedure to xref images into the drawing without dealing with this. Am I distorting them when I use the align command??

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Postby tensadvin » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:12 pm

I have used software from ERDAS called ER Viewer. It is free to download and can open .jp2 and save as TIFF, keeping it georeferenced. You can then convert to a world file using Carlson GIS and import it as a georeferenced TIFF. The only downside of the software is that you cannot crop the .jp2 or TIFF, I think you may be able to do this in Carlson GIS.

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Postby mpias » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:28 pm

Thank you for the tip about ERDAS ER Viewer for JP2000 files, I will try it.

By the way, I have been tuned into using AutoCAD Map. It has all the tools for graphic files and has a command called "RUBBERSHEET".

I have never got an answer to why scans from a flatbed scanner, or copied pics from google map etc., is so out of proportion, but if you have the MAP resource it helps.
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