Big Thanks

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Big Thanks

Postby monksjm » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:05 pm

to John Gerber. Solved a very large problem we were having with importing UTM83-19 Contour shp files into NAD83 grid. Very big help and it really has made this product more valuable to our company!

here's the process he gave me for using contour.shp files from the state of maine to NAD83.

This is in regards to using Carlson Civil Suite 2009 to import a *.SHP file with Contour data in a certain
UTM Zone 19 Metric system and convert that linework contour data into Nad83 Maine East USFeet
1) To correct the elevations in Carlson 2009 you need to first copy just the 3 SHP files {SHP, SHX, DBF} into a different folder so they are not in the same folder as the *.PRJ --- this will remove the association with the *.prj projection which is causing the elevation bust in this routine

2) Click GIS / GIS Database Settings = define a New empty Template {i.e. – template.mdb} and create a new empty Output database {i.e. – output.mdb}

3) Click GIS / Import SHP file

4) Click Select SHP File / pick the SHP file in its own unique folder w/out the *.PRJ file

5) Check the box for “Use attribute to assign elevation” / pick "ELEVATION” from the list

6) Click “Geometry Only” if you want to simplify the process / click “Import Polylines from SHP”

7) Click Points / Coordinate File Utilities {if you are prompted for a CRD coordinate file click the New tab in the upper left and open a new empty CRD file}

8) Click the “Coordinate Transformation” button

9) Click “Grid to Lat/Lon” / click Input from “Screen Entities” / click OK

10) Click UTM / Zone 19:W / Metric with an Output of WGS84 / Degrees.minutes.seconds (dd.mmss) / click OK

11) Type in ALL / hit Enter / hit Enter again = this may take a full minute or two to process all the vertices / Click OK after it says “Transformed x number of Entities”

12) Click Coordinate Transformation again / click “Lat/Lon to Grid” / click OK

13) Set the Source to WGS84 and Degrees.minutes.seconds THEN set the Destination to “Nad83, Maine East, US Feet” / click OK

14) Type in ALL / hit Enter / hit Enter again = it takes a few seconds to process and says “Transformed x number of Entities” / Click OK / click Exit to close Coord File Utils

15) click “View” then click “Extents”

that's it! works like a charm!

Thanks again John!
Shaun Morrison
Civil Designer/Drafter
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Cumberland, Maine
Posts: 111
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:47 pm
Location: Cumberland, Maine

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