I would like to make chemistry (attributes) isopachs of my strata, and have a huge amount of drillholes. Around 350 are cores that have already strata identifications and BED and STRATA attributes defined. Another bunch (around 2700!) of rotaries or dust drillings are available, but these have only chemistry attributes.
I would like to know if there is any way in Carlson Mining to be able to use these without having to tag them all.
I explain maybe more: I use also Rockware Rockworks to treat some of my databases. In this one, one can import untagged drillholes with only chemistry defined, define it inside the software, create grids for the different units, based on the drillholes that have the strata defined, and then use the grids to make an isopach of the quality, based not only on the cores that have it defined, but also based on all the intervals that fall geometrically inside the strata.
Is there a way to do that in Carlson Mining?
I already tried to put a fake strata definition, and use the HORIZON attributes to avoid these intervals to be used in the models, but the isopachs generated do not show the tremendous chemistry info I can see with the dustdrillings.
Many thanks to let me know if what I want is acheivable into CM.
Best Regards,
Gregoire Vandenschrick