P3D Topo Issue

Moderator: Carlson Support

P3D Topo Issue

Postby im695 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:54 pm

Sorry if this is not in the right area, but I don't have rights to the P3D area of this forum. I recently purchased Precision 3D Topo to edit point clouds. The first week or so it worked okay, there was rotation issue when I moved around. Now the latest issue is that it will just close no error message or nothing. This happened 3 times on one project, finally got it done without it closing. Now onto the second project and it has closed out about half a dozen times. Yesterday it did it a few times and then I would open it up and the point cloud was showing in the scene explorer, but it was not there. After getting frustrated I closed out and went on about something else. Today I opened that scene file and the point cloud was not there. So I reloaded the points, had to redo all the work that I have completed. Then it happened again, just closed. And the point cloud was lost. Is anyone else having this issue? I have talked with Steve at Carlson, and he is trying to help, I was just wondering if anyone is having the same issue with it.
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Re: P3D Topo Issue

Postby im695 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:53 pm

After talking with Steve from support, the issue was with the Isolate Point Cloud Point command. So if any of you are having this issue, they are working on it. Thanks to Steve for working with me and helping. Carlson Support is top notch and one of the reasons that I will use most of their software as long as I can.
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