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Carlson Survey 2011 Embedded AutoCAD

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:54 pm
by donna_jwsc
The company I work for just purchased new computers (Windows 7) and Carlson Survey 2011 Embedded AutoCAD. I am having problems with the program saving preference settings such as the "right-click customization" and a few other settings. I just started using the program and computer on Sunday, 28 August, so I have not gotten to really test what I have, probably a whole lot of other settings not saving too.
I have had our IT person change my user access settings for Windows 7 but with the way AutoCAD puts folders all over the C drive, I am wondering if the problem is just administrative access in Windows 7.
We have each computer set up with an administrator account, then individual user accounts and I believe our IT person (not an on-site employee) may have installed Carlson while under the adminstrator account.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:46 pm
by Dent Cermak
Which version of Windows 7?? You need administrator access to be able to change things. If you are running a stand alone computer, you should be set up with administrator access. If your IT guy got fancy with the install, your problem probably lies there.
All of your files should be under the USERS directory, under your (computer) name and under Program Files. A Carlson Projects folder should have been established too. That's the only 4 places where they should be:

User/User name/app data/local/carlson software 2010/r2010/enu/template

Program Files/CarlsonSurvey 2010/User Data Cache/Plotters/Plot Styles

Program Files /Carlson Survey/2010/ Settings (The program creates this folder under Projects, but you really need to move it here so you do not accidently erase it.)

User/User Name/App Data/Roaming/Carlson Software 2010/Carlson Survey 2010/r2010/enu/support

There's no reason for the right click stuff to be going away, unless it cannot be found by your computer. That would indicate some files in the wrong place.
It IS possible that you got a bad download and need to reload the software. If your current IT guy does not know ALL about Carlson, I would find someone else to load it up for you. (Perhaps the people that sold you the software can do it for you?) It's a little more than "accept the defaults" to get everything running right.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:07 pm
by donna_jwsc
Our IT guy always sets up himself as administrator (we don't have his password) and then he creates users. I do not have adminstrator access to this computer. When I first opened my users folder properties I was denied access to most files. He changed that for me but has not been back to our office. I am going to try to get him out to our office.

Thank you for your time; I may have to ask more questions after he gets back here.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:06 pm
by Dent Cermak
There is absolutely NO REASON for you not to have FULL ADMINISTRATION ACCESS on a stand alone computer!! I can see it on a network, but not on a stand alone computer. Tell him to reset it and to keep his hands off your software until he has paid his $2,000 to go through full Carlson College training. You guys need a new IT guy. Your computer should NEVER have been set up that way. All he has done is to make sure that you have to call him back to do even the simple things on your computer so HE can get paid for it. That should be illegal!! He will call it "job security' or "Quality assurance". I caul it theft. (As you can tell, i do not like IT guys. If you do not have an offdice network, you don't need their meddeling fingers in YOUR computer.)