Snap icons choppy/blurry

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Snap icons choppy/blurry

Postby El Duderino » Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:22 pm

Hey guys. So my snap icons have been pretty choppy looking for the last month or so. This may have happened shortly after updating my video drivers, but I did go back and revert back to old drivers, and even went as far back as two years ago on driver versions. That didnt solve anything so I went ahead and and updated to current drivers. It kind of seems like something that regen would fix, but that doesnt work. Sometimes my yellow dashed line from doing a distance between two points will be choppy and zig zag also. Regen will fix that, but that also seems buggy. But even when its not bugged out it still seems a little squiggly. It's been so long since ive seen it normally though im not sure if it looks normal or not. :)

If anyone can help with this that would be swell. Thanks.
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El Duderino
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:18 pm
Location: Clearwater, FL

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