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Converting blocks from DOS to WIN

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2003 9:58 pm
by Chad
Hi All,

We have finally decided to switch over from DOS to Windows for CG. But the
blocks from DOS are not the same through the export. This is what I am

In CG for DOS, I do the data conversion to DXF. I have tried all
combinations of (1&2) (A&B).

But my block for the drawing information is a bit bigger and has moved
outside my drawing limits. We have lots of drawings to convert, and I don't
want to have to modify every one of them.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there an easy way around this?



DOS ver 4.40.16
WIN ver 5.50.03 w/ IntelliCAD
OS Win 98SE
ACAD 2000