I work for a surveyor who settled on SurvCADD 2006, but has never used raw files. I’ve occasionally entered field data for him. I quickly became aware of the value of raw files and have routinely entered raw angle/distance data using the raw file editor for both his work and data I shot on my own property. We routinely turn the angle two or more times on traverse points so you have to decide how multiple shots on the same point should be handled during raw file processing. The options are first point, last or average; I’ve always chosen to average. I recently had occasion to check traverse angles by loading the Carlson drawing into DraftSight CAD and generating angle dimensions for each occupy point. I’ve found that unadjusted processing resulted in the last angle value being used even where I was certain average had been specified. My reading of the help file is that, even for unadjusted processing, multiple same-point shots should be averaged if it is specified. I’ve been assuming that when a backsite record is followed by two or more records having the same occupy and foresite numbers, those data would be averaged. So, either there is some other action needed to trigger averaging or this is a bug.
So what are the requirements for processing a same-point-multi-shot raw file so as to generate coordinates from averages?