Drawing Inspector Causing selection "shifts"

Moderator: Carlson Support

Drawing Inspector Causing selection "shifts"

Postby CA_LSIT » Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:42 pm

I noticed this a couple of weeks ago and just figured out what was happening. Thought I'd share.

I was copying (or moving) objects and dragging them to another part of my drawing when all of a sudden the original object I had selected to copy was replaced by another object that I had passed over while panning. So instead of a line I had a circle.

Sometimes instead of the object "shifting" to another object a group of selected objects wouldn't move/copy at all, instead only one of the selection group would move/copy.

After a week I figured out that it was the Drawing Inspector that was causing this problem. Turned it off and everything worked fine, don't ask me why.
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Postby site admin » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:22 pm

Which version of software are you running? Also, go to the Help pull-down menu and about Carlson and report the build that you are running as well. If you are running 2009 w/ IntelliCad, please go to About Intellicad as well and repert the version.

Can you give us your contact information as well so we can contact you? If you would rather not leave it on the forum, please email us at support@carlsonsw.com and copy the comment to the email.

Thank you.
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