The WishList

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The WishList

Postby RHPatten » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:18 pm

The company I work for is currently preparing to deploy Carlson, and as I am on the committee to redevelop our CAD standards to fit Carlson I ran into a few Wish-List items.

Please remember I am a little new to the program so if I am of base please let me know.


- Allow custom linetypes in Field to Finish (F2F)

- Templates should be reflected Horizontally on 2D polylines.

- Layer Library
* I wish (F2F) would use this to populate layers that don't currently exist, with the stored settings. This way you would only need to have the layers you are using in Layer Manager, and not all of the layer that (F2F) is going to need
* Wild cards in layer standards, "AutoCAD really missed it on this one, and Carlson could sweep in on this. AutoCAD is limited in the fact that it essentially uses an external DWG (*.DWS) file that can't store wildcards. With Carlson using external files for the layer lists, they could use wildcards to provide flexibility. Example, say I wanted the use STK 00-00-00 as a standard layer name for staking data, I would just need STK* as a standard layer. This would be a god sent for standards management "With FLEXIBILITY".

- A lot of the settings in Carlson are locally stored, as an enterprise user, I have to say the initial deployment is a little difficult. I do know that I can save a *.CFG file, and that is helpful, (as long as you don't use an 08 *.CFG in 09). I would like to see a *.INI type of system settings storage, that would be prioritized.
* Level 1 = user overrides
* Level 2 = organization setting, there should be permissions as to what setting can be overridden by the user
* Level 3 = Carlson Defaults

- New File Dialog should say Save, not Open to reduce confusion. This is a windows standard, or (more of a suggestion).

- It would be nice if the Point Attributes Dialog had a checkbox to include or exclude the point from the DTM.
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