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Questions on calc'ing "Z" value

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:17 pm
by Bigcat
I pick points with elevation for streets, building pads, and ponds.

1. Whats the easiest way to change Elevation on a single point? It's easier to pick points along the curb line and then come back and enter elevations.

2. How do you get "Z" value to work on lines? In CAD 2010 I could draw a line between two contours, and then pick a point say at the midpoint of the line and the new point would plot W/elev. I can not get lines to draw in with Z value at all.

Most everything else appears to be the same so far. Almost all commands are the same except I can not find "locate point" I used that to find an elevation using nearest along a line with beg/end elevations.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:41 pm
by ColC
You can edit the point elevation in the crd file using edit points. You need to note the point number(s) before entering. Or alternatively you can edit point attributes and then you are remaining on the screen. This will update the value for the point in the crd file.

You need to select draw 3d line to be able to get heights. Draw a line(2D) will make the starting and ending elevations 0.0. However, once the line is formed you can snap at the end of the line and move it to another entity which has a z value and if you snap to that entity it will then give a z value to the end of the line. If you need a point in your crd file then you can create points from entities, or draw locate points.

Hope this helps

Re: Questions on calc'ing "Z" value

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:17 am
by gskelhorn
Bigcat wrote:2. How do you get "Z" value to work on lines? In CAD 2010 I could draw a line between two contours, and then pick a point say at the midpoint of the line and the new point would plot W/elev. I can not get lines to draw in with Z value at all.

If the LINE command is drawing lines with Z=0 regardless of whether you snap to something with a non-zero Z perhaps your OSNAPZ is on. Run OSNAPZ and make use it is set to 0 in order to use the Z value of snapped locations. If OSNAPZ = 1 or on then it will always set the Z to whatever value the ELEVATION variable is set to.

I would expect the OSNAPZ to be set to 0 (off) by default though.

Note, I don't have the embedded version to check if it has OSNAPZ setting.

To query the coordinates by snapping you can use the ID command.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:31 am
by Bigcat
Thanks, will try a couple things.

Is there any way to draw a line with "Z" from node to node?

Say I calc/pick two points. Point 1000 with Z=900 and point 1001 with Z=901

Can I draw a line between the two nodes and then Pick point 1002 and snap it to "midpoint" on the line to where it will auto put 900.50 as the "Z"?