Point Group Descriptions lost when importing

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Point Group Descriptions lost when importing

Postby AkRomad » Thu May 04, 2017 2:20 pm

I'm having trouble keeping my point group descriptions when I import points to a group using the Text/ASCII file tool. Each time I import my group description is over written by the point group name, has anyone found a fix for this? Or is it a bug in the system?
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Re: Point Group Descriptions lost when importing

Postby Dent Cermak » Fri May 05, 2017 4:26 pm

When you add new points to an existing drawing the point groups are not updated. After importing the new points into a drawing you can edit the Point Group files by selecting the descriptors in the new point list (expanding the point number selection for the software) OR you can inport the points and then rerun your Field to Finish (this will update the files IF you have the point groups established in your *.fld file.).
Dent Cermak
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Re: Point Group Descriptions lost when importing

Postby AkRomad » Fri May 26, 2017 5:09 pm

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