Moderator: Carlson Support


Postby Dent Cermak » Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:56 pm

There are 2 areas in Carlson Survey that need improvement.

(1) When you complete the Carlson Drawing Setup it shows 2 Radio Buttons. WHY? First is "Save for current abd future" Really? The second is "Save for future" Are you kidding me? Why would I want to "Save for future"? Saving for "Current and future" is killing me! I check that and then go into a drawing that I did days ago at a different scale. Guess what the scale is set to now. That "future" mess overrides everything. How about just one radio button that just says, "SAVE"

(2) It is so much easier to find things in an index if all of the topics are listed in alphabetical order, so hoe hard would it be to list all the main folders on each pull down tab in alphabetical order? And perhaps even , each item in those subfolders could be put in alphabetical order? Right now it's like trying to find a CD by your favorite artist in the racks at WalMart.
Dent Cermak
Posts: 486
Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:54 pm
Location: Clinton, MS

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