How do I stop the surface from "rechecking" with e

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How do I stop the surface from "rechecking" with e

Postby donna_jwsc » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:10 pm

I am using Carlson Survey 2011 Embedded AutoCAD. I am creating a surface and need to swap tin lines. There used to be a button in the IntelliCAD version of the Survey program that I could turn off so the contours would not constantly try to regenerate with each swap. I am sure I am just not seeing the option; could someone please tell me how to stop this?
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Postby Dent Cermak » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:05 pm

In Carlson Survey, the contours run in "real time" and regen with each triangle adjustment. This should happen virtually instamtly, so there is no lost time. As far as I know, there is no way to turn this off. (Personally , I would not want to.)
I find this to be MUCH faster than what I had in LDD and I really like it. Much of the transition to Carlson is getting used to its "ways". Now, when I have to work a project in LDD, I feel like my hands are tied.
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thank you for the information

Postby donna_jwsc » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:59 pm

Thank you for the information. At least I know I am not missing something obvious.
The project I am working on has been through AutoCAD R14, Carlson Survey on IntelliCAD 2009 and now Survey on AutoCAD. It takes what seems to me (and my boss when he is standing over me) to be a long time to be able to get to the next swap tin line. I usually know how I want the contours to "push" so I just try to get them swapped, then redraw the contours.
Just another thing to get used to. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks after all!
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Postby Dent Cermak » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:49 pm

Something is still not sounding right. The only time it takes me a long time between triangle swaps is when I have a LARGE coordinate file and there are LARGE gaps in the coordinate point numbers.
When you swap a triangle, the contours should change instantly and automatically. You do not have to do a redraw on the contours like in LDD. You should be able to do a "flip", see the change, do the next "flip", see the change, etc.
Perhaps you need to compress your coordinate file and rebuild your surface in your current version of Carlson??
If you have already done this and are having this problem, you need to grab the VAR that you purchased the software from and make him come show you what is going wrong. Don't know if it is a software or proceedure problem, but Carlson is NOT supposed to do like you are experiencing.
There is a fix that you need and your dealer is the starting point. After that, a call to Carlson Support to talk to the guys that really know this stuff would probably be of a great help.
Dent Cermak
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Re: How do I stop the surface from "rechecking" with e

Postby SRLEONE » Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:54 pm

I have found that if you go into the TRI command, uncheck Write Triangle File and uncheck Draw Contours, then Cancel, it sometimes stops doing what you are describing (which also annoys me - lol). Try it and let me know if that works for you in this situation; there have been maaany patches between then and now ;-)

Su Leone, P.L.S.
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