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Importing Shape Files

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:12 pm
by albud1962
Is there an easy way of creating MDB template files from the ESRI DBF?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:32 pm
by TJ
Your post is a little confusing. The topic appears to be about importing shape files, but your post asks about converting database files from one format to another.

If you're talking about converting an ESRI database into shape files, I think it depends on the type of database. It's my understanding that you need ArcView to get shape files from a personal geodatabase, whereas you might be able to use ArcExplorer to read a file geodatabase.

As for converting database to database, I'm not so sure. I know I came across a utility online that might do something for you. Have to look around a bit for it if you're interested.