Good morning group,
I am a new Carlson Civil user evalutating for our company. Also a long time Land Desktop use, so for the most part this transition is very easy. The issue I am having is with changes to proposed surfaces, and perhaps my workflow needs to be altered for Carlson Civil. For example, I am grading a new parking lot, so I used the 3d Points commands to set elevations at key locations. Then I used 3d polylines to draw the curb lines at elevation and offset to establish top of curb. The 3d polys were then used as breaklines to build a proposed surface. Worked great. This issue comes in when I need to alter elevations along a curb. In LDT, I would edit the surface fault line, which was just a 3d poly, and redefine the fault, rebuild the surface and quickly I had new contours. I haven't found a way to recreate this workflow for editing the surface elevations, without editing individual surface points, which for curb islands is very tedious. I have used the surface tools to delete all the points for a curb line. This leaves "holes" in the surface though. Then recreate a 3d polyline and rebuild the surface.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for editing surface breaklines?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated,