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Cut/Fill Colour Map

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:16 am
by C Robinson
I am currently testing/ understanding how Carlson works using older software (Trial Carlson 2012, AC 2007 - hopefully means less bugs).

When setting up files (that could be used as a company standard) I notice with the CFZ file created for Cut/ Fill Colour Maps that the height intervals are saved, but not the colour description. While I can understand if you are using the same computer and it opens with the last saved colours used, if there are several different colour schemes used then you manually have to edit all 28 boxes which could be a problem especially if you have to change often.

Is there any way to save the colour settings so they are able to be loaded from a CFZ or similar file? This way if it was rolled out over a network and the files were named correctly then anyone could create a standard drawing. Thank you for your time.

Re: Cut/Fill Colour Map

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:35 pm
by Dent Cermak
I'm not running Civil, so don't hold my feet to the fire on this, but in most cases where you have all of these settings there is usually a "SAVE" and a "LOAD" radio button. If so, you can do a save to a folder that you create named something that you can easily remember and then the next time you run the routine, you can do a "load" to restore those settings from your custom folder.