Defining a surface with polylines

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Defining a surface with polylines

Postby Denzuki » Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:46 pm

I have created a surface using 2D and 3D polylines. The 2D polylines with arcs do not define well. They create a straight contour between the ends of the arc. Why is that? And please don't tell me to define it as a 3D polyline. I shouldn't have to create more vertices and make the drawing size huge, then reduce the vertices using another command. These are extra steps the user shouldn't have to perform.
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Re: Defining a surface with polylines

Postby gskelhorn » Sat May 13, 2023 9:47 am

Do you have information near the arc that should cause the surface to be anything other than a flat plane? The entire are is at the same elevation so by default I would expect a contour would be linear between the ends. Maybe experiment with the Densify Breaklines option.
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