Inserting images?

Inserting images?

Postby wdsurvey » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:04 pm

Hello all! I am looking for some help, which may seem like a simple question. We are getting a lot of requests for electronic copies of plats with the seal and blue signature. I have tried every way I know of, but the problem is I always have a border around the seal. Is there a simply way to do it that I do not know of? Also, I am looking at trying to figure a way to cut and paste (for example, a portion of a tax map) when a site location is requested. Can anyone help?

Thank so much!
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Re: Inserting images?

Postby Dent Cermak » Sun May 01, 2016 10:44 pm


Cut and paste images?? Save the image as a JPG or any other raster image. Under draw pull down find insert image. Get it in the wat you want it. Then go down to Image edit and trim the image to fit what you want.
Dent Cermak
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Re: Inserting images?

Postby wdsurvey » Wed May 04, 2016 6:51 pm

Thanks for your reply. Your post makes a lot of sense. Here is my problem. When I have an image saved as png or tif, for some reason it does not show in my documents when I do insert. I can only access it from Image--raster and I do not see where I can turn an image frame off. Maybe I am not saving my images correctly???
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