View rotation in paper space.

View rotation in paper space.

Postby rdunham » Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:03 pm

Trying to figure out how (to preserve coordinate system in model space) to rotate a view in paper space (2D) to fit a page. Using intelliCAD with Carlson. AutoCAD its a MVsetup command - but looking through the help screens related to rotate/orbit/view I see no way to rotate a orientation in paper space without rotating my model space view.
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Re: View rotation in paper space.

Postby dspr » Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:09 pm

I have this issue too. I'm using Carlson Survey 2020 with IntelliCAD. I found a workaround but it's not perfect. Create a new layout. You will notice that the default view that is created is rotated correctly. Delete the viewport. Set up the view according to your plotter device and map size. Enter the command "mview". Ideally the best option with this command would be "fit" but that gives you a rotated view. Instead just pick the lower left and upper right of the empty viewport, trying to get as close to the corners as you can. The resulting view is rotated correctly. I submitted a question to Carlson about this issue and will post back if they give me a better solution.

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Re: View rotation in paper space.

Postby dspr » Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:16 pm

I heard back from Lon from Carlson just now and he had a solution. Create the viewport using mview fit, double-click in the viewport to go to model space, use the command View> Twist View> Line, Polyline or Text and select a line segment that should be parallel to the view ie. title box line. When you select that line, select towards the right side and enter to accept the default azimuth (Use 90 for Due East). That will align the viewport correctly.

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Re: View rotation in paper space.

Postby rdunham » Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:02 am

Thanks Don & Doug. Works once I used the view menu (which has a "Twist View" selection). As I am old school - I typed in "View", saw new views and a twist angle in that command, and tried that unsuccessfully a couple times before I wised up and looked for a menu. Works fine once you go the right route.
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