Loss of "F" keys

Loss of "F" keys

Postby tuskenjes » Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:58 pm

I am new to Carlson and keep hitting a bump. Occasionally I will lose the use of my "F" keys and then come back for no rhyme or reason. This loss can extend minutes to hours. I could not even tell you when I loss it or if there is a key I'm press do other things, just suddenly I have not use. This also extends to the DELETE key as well. I am using a new off the shelf keyboard with my desktop, thought it was the wireless one I had.
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Re: Loss of "F" keys

Postby gskelhorn » Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:26 am

I can't help... sounds system specific. I do have common functions mapped to "F" keys and use them extremely often and haven't experienced a loss of them. Not even sure how you would diagnose other than try different keyboard, which you already did.
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Re: Loss of "F" keys

Postby sidchicken » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:22 pm

Hi tuskenjes,

I'm new to intellicad, but over many years of working in AutoCAD, I've experienced similar symptoms and the answer was usually that cad had inexplicably turned off my "noun/verb" selection variable in options. The system variable for that is called PICKFIRST, which you want to be on... I'm guessing that's what you mean when you say your delete key wasn't working. As for the function keys, I haven't lost those before, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were a system variable that controls them.
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