Best Way to import a file.

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Best Way to import a file.

Postby pogo » Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:09 am

Hi I have Magnet Field but previously had SurvCE. I don't particularly like Magnet Office and have Carlson Survey on trial. This is much more like AutoCAD which i'm used to and is so intuative.
Since i'm stuck with Field, I am looking at the best way to import Files. I mainly process Topos, As Builts, Set out and Volumes etc.
If I do it via DXF then the point attributes (pt number Elev, Desc) are not very easy to scale, they act like separate entities.
If I import a text point file in Carlson then I can easily scale the attributes .
Magnet does have one good feature in their office software and that is if you zoom in the attribute text stays the same size on the screen, is this feature in Carlson somewhere?
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Re: Best Way to import a file.

Postby pogo » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:04 am

I think I have solved my problem. I found a setting in my export from Magnet Field that enables me to Export a dwg file with Carlson Blocks. I can then scale them easily.

As i mentioned in my post I would like to see an option to maintain the text size on the screen, maybe a feature that could be toggled on and off.

Incidentally to transfer files between my data logger and my PC I use Google Drive, is there a better way?
When I had SurvCE and Windows 7 I used a cable connection and Windows Mobile Device Center. Then I got windows 10 and this route didn't work.
Then I had to use bluetooth, that was horrible!
WMDC was good in that it felt like my logger was just another drive.
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