Field to Finish for Multiple Inverts in Field Codes

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Field to Finish for Multiple Inverts in Field Codes

Postby gromitsdad » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:05 pm

I’ve been using an outdated program for field codes for a while, and I’m currently transitioning to working with our FTF file to make it obsolete.

That said, I’ve run into an issue with handling multiple inverts for sanitary and storm systems. Here’s an example of our field code: SMH 5.20,5.25,5.35.

The problem is that when processing this through Carlson using the FTF file, only two inverts appear in the labeling. The program identifies the first as the invert-in and the second as the invert-out. However, the third measure down (and potentially a fourth or fifth in other cases) should also be included as inverts.

Additionally, when there is only one measure down (an invert-out), it shows an invert-in and an invert-out with the same elevation.

Is there a way to configure Carlson to recognize and display all inverts as field-coded, even when there are more than two? Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Chris Johnson
Marsh and Legge Land Surveyors
Chris Johnson
Marsh and Legge Land Surveyors
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:35 pm
Location: Virginia

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