Creating 3D files for grading

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Creating 3D files for grading

Postby Matthew Timion » Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:45 pm

Hello all,

We recently purchased SurvCADD XML for it's ability to produce 3d files for
automated grading (that was the selling point, at least). I am still very
unsure as to the process for creating these files. My general assumption is
that after assigning elevations to a DWG file, something must be done. Do I
need to convert this file to points before I can go on? Can someone help
me? Can anyone give me a very basic instruction guide from start to finish?

Thanks a million,

Matthew Timion
Matthew Timion

Re: Creating 3D files for grading

Postby R.K. McSwain » Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:16 am

What type of 3D file do you want to end up with? SurvCADD has the ability to generate a 3D grid file or a triagulation file. Either of these will work in products such as Carlson SurvCE or Tsunami. What is your automated grading software? What sort of input file does it require?

===========Basic instructions=============To create a 3D Grid file:
In the DTM module, choose Make 3D Grid File from the DTM menu.

To create a triangulation file:
In the DTM module, choose Triangulate and Contour from the contour menu. Check on "Write Triangulation File".

If you have any more questions, let us know
Randall McSwain
Carlson Software

"Matthew Timion" <> wrote in message news:alqfkm$v1m$
Hello all,

We recently purchased SurvCADD XML for it's ability to produce 3d files for
automated grading (that was the selling point, at least). I am still very
unsure as to the process for creating these files. My general assumption is
that after assigning elevations to a DWG file, something must be done. Do I
need to convert this file to points before I can go on? Can someone help
me? Can anyone give me a very basic instruction guide from start to finish?

Thanks a million,

Matthew Timion

R.K. McSwain

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