Clipboard not pasting png file

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Clipboard not pasting png file

Postby mark baker » Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:19 am

I am running 2016 embedded AutoCad. I have a setting wrong somewhere. When printing an aerial overlay, I created a dwg that I use every time with the right line widths, etc. I find that using the color white works best for all my text and I use the color red for my boundary lines. I try using the clipboard function and copy the aerial (png file) and the plat and then paste to original coordinates on my aerial overlay drawing (if I use the “save as” function, I have to change the color, line widths and etc. to certain layers). The problem is the aerial does not copy. It references a Z file location that is no long associated with my computer. I’m attaching a png plot that might better explain. I am on a network in the office with one other computer linked to my computer. Thank you for your time.

Mark Baker

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mark baker
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Location: Centre, AL

Re: Clipboard not pasting png file

Postby gskelhorn » Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:06 am

If I understand correctly, you have a drawing you access from a computer connected to a network, copy an image along with other entities to a separate drawing. The image is visible in the source drawing but only the path shows in the destination. The image file is stored on a network drive that is no longer accessible.

The image is not actually inserted into the DWG file. It is stored as a reference. If the image file is not accessible I would expect you see the path of the image reference as you show. Perhaps the image was cached and the source drawing is accessing the cached version? This is only a guess. Regardless, you will need to have the image file accessible to attach it to a drawing. I donj't use embedded version so can't offer much.

As for keeping layers with the same settings in the destination drawing... if the layers do not exist in the destination drawing they should be created with the same properties as in the source drawing. If the colours are set in the properties of each entity and not ByLayer then this will not help.

Perhaps try selecting the objects and create a block using WBLOCK then insert that in the destination drawing. Explode it after if you want.

Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree ;-)
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Joined: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:56 am

Re: Clipboard not pasting png file

Postby mark baker » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:58 am

mark baker
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:07 pm
Location: Centre, AL

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