Wblocking and Copy/Paste

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Wblocking and Copy/Paste

Postby donna_jwsc » Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:19 am

I am using Survey 2019 OEM. I am trying to copy/paste from older CAD dwgs. I get an error message that the command failed because of proxy graphics. I tried wblock, same response. I then went through every command for recover/fix reacters. I cannot get either to work (even dwgs that were created with 2014). I need to be able to use older drawing information into my current 2019 drawing. I always save everything out to version 2010. I even opened up my 2018 Carlson Survey program thinking that maybe I am once again having a glitch in 2019.
I am working from home and need to be as efficient as possible. I have spent 3 hours on one simple drawing trying to copy/paste or wblock just mtext from the older drawing!
I am hoping that someone has an answer (before this virus is cured!).
And, sorry in advance for any spelling errors or incorrect Carlson jargon. Frazzled!
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Re: Wblocking and Copy/Paste

Postby gskelhorn » Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:43 am

If I understand correctly, you have two drawings open, one old and one new. Both are created using Carlson software. Copy and paste between them is not working for basic CAD entities.

I am also doing a lot of what you are attempting from home, using drawings from office server. I have not experienced the problem you describe.

The first thing that comes to mind is possibly the clipboard format setting in CONFIG:
Clip format.png

If that doesn't help... my last gasp try to get around problems is to save the drawing to DXF. Maybe erase all but a few entities, purge all then save to DXF. Try older DXF formats if new ones don't work.

Once the weekend is over the technical support folks will likely be able to get you up and running.
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Re: Wblocking and Copy/Paste

Postby donna_jwsc » Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:27 pm

Thank you very much for replying.
I have looked all over the program for this window popup. I have gone through all the Carlson/AutoCAD settings. I am just going to have to re-create the drawing. :(
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Re: Wblocking and Copy/Paste

Postby gskelhorn » Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:46 pm

I missed that you are working in the stand-alone version. Perhaps that version does not have the same CAD settings dialogs as my Intellicad version.

Are you able to copy/paste between two newly created drawings?
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Re: Wblocking and Copy/Paste

Postby donna_jwsc » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:14 pm

Yes, it is my personal copy. I have no problems with my current drawings. I have been saving all of the new ones to 2010 since the company I work for didn't upgrade very often (we are now up to 2018 at the office).
I am going to have to find a way around it. We have another drafter and the layers are not always the same. My boss works only with AutoCAD R14, so I have to rename any layer in the old drawings to no spaces. So much easier to just hit that match properties button, then purge the old. I guess I am just getting lazy!
Thank you again for looking into it.
I just looked at my first post - AutoCAD OEM. I used Intellicad many years ago, but had so many contouring problems I finally opted for the AutoCAD version.
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