Convert Contours and TIN between elev. datums

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Convert Contours and TIN between elev. datums

Postby Yahooty » Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:11 pm

is there a way to convert/translate the surface features (contours and TIN) between two elevation datums? Or do I need to just recreate everything in the new datum?

Thank you.
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Re: Convert Contours and TIN between elev. datums

Postby gskelhorn » Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:20 am

It is easy to shift a TIN vertically. Use Triangulation File Utilities (TINUTIL). Make a backup copy of you TIN file first.
    Run the command,
    Load the TIN from file,
    Hit the Add button to add a value to the TIN elevations.
    Save the shifted TIN over the original.

The contours need to be regenerated since both the elevation and position generally change.

You can contour from the shifted TIN with the command CNTRTIN or if the surface is in the Surface Manager the contours should be regenerated automatically.
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Joined: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:56 am

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