Arc as a 3D Polyline

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Arc as a 3D Polyline

Postby volleyballsmh11 » Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:58 pm

How do you draw a 3d polyline between points, as a best fit arc, without the numerous vertices?
Using the 3D polyline command, I can draw an arc between points. When I do this, I get allot of vertices on the arc and I am unable to adjust the radius of the arc. When I try to delete the vertices, the arc becomes a line.

I have played with the command 3D Arc. While it draws a 3dArc, best fit, I am unable to turn it into a 3Dpolyline used for a break line.

Does anyone know how to draw a 3d Polyline, as a best fit arc through several PCs without numerous vertices to use for a surface. Preferably a line that I can adjust the radius?

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Re: Arc as a 3D Polyline

Postby gskelhorn » Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:11 am

volleyballsmh11 wrote:Does anyone know how to draw a 3d Polyline, as a best fit arc through several PCs without numerous vertices to use for a surface. Preferably a line that I can adjust the radius?

Unfortunately the definition of a 3D Polyline entity does not support arc segments like a 2D Polyline does. The multiple vertices are inserted as a means of approximating an arc.
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