Adding a Hyphen Between In-Line Bearing and Distance Calls

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Adding a Hyphen Between In-Line Bearing and Distance Calls

Postby els_cgill » Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:57 pm

Hello All,

Just started working at a firm that uses CS2018, and they like to insert a hyphen ( - ) preceded and proceeded by a space in between the inline bearing and distance call.

For example, they want to see "S70º08'37"E - 199.64'" when the bearing and distance are in line. I know you can add a prefix or suffix to the bearings and distances in the "Annotate Defaults", but that results in the hyphen showing up when the bearings and distances are stacked, or if either is shown by itself. Short of having to do it manually for each label, is there a way that I can have this done within Carlson to save time and effort?

Thank you in advance for you feedback.

-Chris G.
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Re: Adding a Hyphen Between In-Line Bearing and Distance Cal

Postby gskelhorn » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:38 pm

I don't know of a built-in way to do what you want. Not to say there isn't...

As a work-around I would save settings files with the anno styles setup with the dash as a prefix in distance and without.

Load the settings with dash and label all lines then load settings without dash and relabel the lines where stacked or split labels are needed. If labelling linework then it will replace the existing label.
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