Export points file in feet instead of inches

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Export points file in feet instead of inches

Postby JodyC » Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:03 pm

I'm using carlson for unconventional purposes. I'm drawing foundation plans and my units are in architectural feet and inches. My drawing is fine, but when I export the points file it is in inches. Carlson tech support told me the steps to use the scale wizard to change them to feet, but when I do that it changes everything on my drawing and makes it a jumbled mess. I don't know what settings I need to use in order to have my drawing be correct AND export the ponts file for layout in feet. Any ideas? Other than using a different program?
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Re: Export points file in feet instead of inches

Postby gskelhorn » Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:13 pm

JodyC wrote:I'm using carlson for unconventional purposes. I'm drawing foundation plans and my units are in architectural feet and inches. My drawing is fine, but when I export the points file it is in inches... I don't know what settings I need to use in order to have my drawing be correct AND export the ponts file for layout in feet. Any ideas?

Sure... Use the CG-Survey functions.

  • Create a drawing and add points using inches as your coordinates.
  • Use CG_OPTIONS command to set the output scale factor to 0.083333 (menu: CG-Survey | Tools | CG Options) Note you might need to scroll the attached image to see the whole dialog.
  • Use CG command CG_EXPORT_COORDS (Menu: CG-Survey | File | Coordinate Files | Export Coordinates to ASCII File) to export the coordinates. Make sure you toggle on the "Use Output Scale Factor" in the dialog.

Resulting output file is scaled to feet:
Code: Select all

Now, that all said, I think you might be better served using feet as your drawing and coordinate file units. Set the input scale factor to 0.08333333 and the output scale factor to 12.0 in both CG_OPTIONS and the Carlson Drawing Setup dialogs. Then you can think and input inches but the drawing and coordinate file would be feet. Only you know the best workflow for your purpose...

If you do make use of the input and output scale factors then the Carlson or CG commands will do what you want with inches as the units. Be aware the CAD commands would be in feet.

If you have a drawing in feet units and want CAD dimensions in feet / inches then set up a dimension style with the primary units scale factor 12.0 and use architectural units. (DIMLFAC=12.0 and DIMLUNIT=4)
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