Decimal point in point numbers

Moderator: Carlson Support

Decimal point in point numbers

Postby bchimney » Tue May 09, 2023 6:34 pm

Can anyone explain why we occasionally have an AutoCad/Carlson drawing that will not accept points imported with a decimal point in the number? It works in newer drawings. We collect using GPS and use duplicate numbers for recollections separated by decimal point numbers (1001.1, 1001.2, 1001.3 ...). The import is asking us to renumber the points.

It does not happen often but we would gladly appreciate a suggestion.

Charles Owens
Burnt Chimney Surveying
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Re: Decimal point in point numbers

Postby gskelhorn » Sat May 13, 2023 9:09 am

If it works in new drawings but sometimes behaves differently with existing drawings then I would check settings. I have Carlson set to store settings in the drawing dictionary. I like it this way but it means that sometimes I open an older project that I used an irregular (for me) setting then I have to pay attention to each setting. Maybe you've already checked all settings in situations when the overwrite appears.
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