Advanced Math With Grid Utilities

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Advanced Math With Grid Utilities

Postby ehinz » Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:35 pm

We’d like to calculate a formula called the terrain ruggedness index on a 3d grid file. The algorithm involves looping cell by cell and using the elevation values of all the neighbor cells to compute the ruggedness index value for the cell. Is there a way to do this with existing Grid tools, or is this going to be a custom app?

1) What program language does the Surface Macro Launcher use?
2) Can you write loops in the Macro Launcher, and can you iterate cell by cell?
3) Can you do focal sums -- sum around a cell with a given window size?
4) If the Macro Launcher cannot iterate and calculate by cell, is there an SDK for Carlson so that a custom add in app can be made in C# (similar to ... es/autocad )
5) Any other suggestions for how to do this with Grid or other formats? We could export and do it in Excel, but that is cumbersome for large grids.
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Re: Advanced Math With Grid Utilities

Postby gskelhorn » Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:37 pm

I'm no help with most of the question, perhaps Carlson has the ability... it is not something I have tried.
Feels like a raster operation so my initial attempt would involve using tools in QGIS or SAGA (or any GIS).

The algorithm might even be built-in: see
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