KMZ falls in wrong place

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KMZ falls in wrong place

Postby RJOHNSTONPSM » Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:13 pm

I copied line work out of a 2015 C3D drawing into Carlson Survey 2021, did a centerline alignment and the coords were the same as C3D drawing. Both drawings are in Texas north central, when I made a KMZ with Carlson it put it in Nebraska. Has anyone else experienced this issue? last time I brought it up to Carlson they said they would look into it , I never heard anything. If you go from Carlson to C3D it woks fine just not the other way around any ideas?
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Re: KMZ falls in wrong place

Postby gskelhorn » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:41 pm

First thing that pops into my mind is to check the datum / projection parameters Carlson is using. I use Carlson on Intellicad so maybe this is different but take a look at Settings | Drawing Setup | Define Projection then select the Texas projection and hit Edit. Verify the parameters are correct. There is a Test button you can use to convert a known trial point to determine if the transformation is working as expected.
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Re: KMZ falls in wrong place

Postby R.M. » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:50 pm

I had this happen once. I ended up copy and pasting the lines into a new file, and then they exported to Google Earth fine.
Robert Martin
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