Field 2 Finish and Profile Issue

Moderator: Carlson Support

Field 2 Finish and Profile Issue

Postby Raul_rtg » Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:20 pm

In Survey Module:
1-In doing a large amount of Electrical duct bank as built I had to create profiles that also cross other duct banks. Under the menu “Survey” -- Edit Field 2 Finish codes- I created a code featured as “Utility”; In “Utility set up” I went to “Draw” stablishing the “Type” as “Utility Duct”; “Pipe Shape” “Rectangle”. The software never draws a square duct bank. When you go to 3d view you see a rounded pipe shape.
Later… in Civil Module; Profile Tab.
According to the Civil module manual notes this “Pipe shape” should be drawn in the profile using the “Pipe crossing on the fly” feature in the “Profile crossing labels” set up.
Has anyone tried this or experienced something like this.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance.
Raul Tiza, Surveyor, Florida
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:11 pm
Location: Miami, FL

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