F2F Symbols Question

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F2F Symbols Question

Postby psurveyor » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:20 pm

I was wondering if there is a way that I can bring a circle into a drawing using field to finish and no matter what the scale of the drawing is have it come in as a certain radius. I want to set it up so critical root zones are drawn according to the descriptor. The only work around solution I have is to draw a critical root zone block for every size tree and then bring it in with no scaling. I have the block drawn to 1' and I want it to come in as the actual described size no matter what the scale. Any help would be appreciated.
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Postby Nava Ran » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:56 am

This code is used to set a different symbol size. The value of the new symbol size is specified after the SZ (example SZ2). This value is the actual size in drawing units.
If no number follows the SZ special code, then the next point with the same field code as the current point will be used to determine the size.
Nava Ran
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Postby psurveyor » Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:49 pm

Thanks for the tip. With your advice I have been able to accomplish my goal, but I wonder if there is a way to do it that will keep the descriptor shorter and require less key strokes in the field. Where I work we have to show a root protection zone around trees in which the root protection zone is a concentric circle with a diameter in feet equal to twice the number of inches of trunk diameter. So in essence a 24" tree has a circular root protection zone with a diameter of 48 feet. In order to field to finish the tree symbol and the root protection zone (RPZ) I put a code while in the field like this for a 24" Live Oak with an RPZ 48 feet in diameter: 24* LO .24

My questions are as follows:

1). Is there a way I can have a shorter descriptor so the crew has less to enter in the field?

2). Is there an easier way to get the tree symbols and the protective root zones drawn using field to finish?

I will explain my process so the reader gains insight to my methods and can hopefully offer solutions:

First I replace . with . SZ in the edit points menu (the period is the symbol I use to create my RPZ circle, I have it assigned to a root protection zone layer)

.24 then becomes . SZ24

I then draw field to finish and my tree symbols and RPZ circles come in correctly.

My next step is to draw my automated tree table. Using the edit points menu `I delete from all the descriptors . SZ(tree size) and then convert all of my abbreviated trees (ex LO - Live Oak) to their full names. Next I replace * with ". I save and leave the edit points menu. I go to annotate point table and create a point table that comes out correct. It seems like a lot of steps, but I recently did a tree survey with over 1200 trees and the quick tree table came in REAL handy.

This has been a long explanation to give clarity on what I am truly looking for. Any advice is appreciated on this matter, even if it is that what I am asking for cannot be done.

Thank You,

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Postby Nava Ran » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:16 am

The answer to your 2 questions is yes.
Please send me your crd and fld files.
Nava Ran
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Location: Israel

Postby ColC » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:28 am

There are lots of options in F2F for to use, I not 100% clear on the final product you require but some of the options I think you could explore are

1. Fixed Parameters is a very useful way of reducing the keystrokes in the field. You can set it up so the scaling of a symbol and the description are added. For plotting trees I have codes TRA, TRB... TRH each with a different tree symbol. I then have scale and description set as Fixed parameters. So the field Code of TRA 8 20, will give a tree symbol scaled to a spread of 8 metres and with a description of the height 20 written next to tree. I then use a code Trunk 0.5 to plot a tree trunk with a radius of 0.5. In the field I assign TRA to all the same species say OAK tree and TRB to Pine.

2. The option to Use Raw description is very handy. A fixed code can be used as the descriptor instead of or in tandem with of the field code and can be put before or after using / or \.

3. The Attribute Format options allow for text / attributes or both and you can format the text very neatly

4 The group option is I also very useful for sorting for plots & reports.

It does pay to explore these options with some test data, checking the forum may help you avoid some of the frustration.

Have a great Christmas everyone. Enjoy the company of your friends and family (and try and leave the computer off for the Christmas break).
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